Woodstock Flourish Chime - Tree of Life
Woodstock Flourish Chime - Tree of Life
<video title="Listen to the Chimes" class="productAudio" controls="" name="media"><source src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0366/4239/0147/files/FLTL.mp3" type="audio/mp3"></video>
A lovely Tree of Life - add a little flourish to your customers' lives!
This stylized Tree of Life has two birds nestled in its branches. A wide-ranging symbol, the Tree of Life can represent strength, beauty, bounty and redemption, making it an excellent gift for almost any occasion
Dimensions: 18 in. Overall Length
Materials: 4 silver solid rods, polished stainless steel filigree windcatcher and accent
function play(){
var audio = document.getElementById("audio");
<input type="button" value="Listen To Chime" onclick="play()"><audio id="audio" src="https://woodstockchimes.com/Content/themes/Skin_Default/Audio/FLTL.mp3" ></audio>